Category: trainings

Make everyone count in your NGO.

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Gender-mainstreaming project for youth organisations supported by the European Youth Foundation

Training n.3: Italy!

The third and last GENDERS training took place in the premises of the public library of Cori on 8-12 October 2019. Just like the training events in Spain and Romania, this training in Italy was based on non-formal education methods. The participants actively took part in sessions including speed-dating, museum of ideas, and reflection times. …

non formal education activities

Training vol.2!

The second GENDERS training took place at the Consejo de la Juventud de España in Madrid from 14 to 16 February 2019. The first day was focused on gender equality in practice. The participants from the different organisations shared their experience and the main strengths, initiatives and weaknesses present in their organisations, and were then …

training bucharest

Genders training course in Bucharest!

The first GENDERS training took place in Bucharest from 14 to 19 October 2018. This training activity, which was hosted by e-Romnja at in the Roma Education Found, was based on non-formal education methods, including teambuilding activities, brainstorming, world café sessions, and reflexion groups Each partner organisation sent 4 participants to the training. These participants …