Training vol.2!
The second GENDERS training took place at the Consejo de la Juventud de España in Madrid from 14 to 16 February 2019.
The first day was focused on gender equality in practice. The participants from the different organisations shared their experience and the main strengths, initiatives and weaknesses present in their organisations, and were then invited to test the self-assessment tool of the web-platform. Following this exercise, the participants created a Gender Equality Plan for their organisations, which they presented to each other for feedback.

The second day was focused on communicating gender, both internally and externally. After some theoretical explanation and self-reflexion, the participants analysed their organisations’ communication strategies and biases. Based on this analysis and the newly acquired knowledge, the participants created a gender-friendly communication campaign for their organisations according to different case scenarios.

Finally, the third day started with testing an activity on decision-making and representation, which referred to enablers or obstacles to an equal representation in meetings and discussions. This was then followed by a session on resistances within youth organisations when it comes to introducing gender mainstreaming measures, which had previously been identified as a challenge that youth workers regularly face.

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